Shirion Collective: A Private Jewish Surveillance Force
Can the Zionist lobby really be this fucking stupid?
Shirion is relentless in its mission to expose and neutralize antisemitic elements. …
At the heart of Shirion's operations lies the Maccabee Project – a sophisticated AI-driven tool designed for modern digital warfare against antisemitism. Maccabee excels in automated monitoring, reporting, and awareness-raising, especially in sensitive sectors. By harnessing data for precise identification and targeted action, Maccabee operates on an omni-channel basis for maximum impact.
While navigating the complexities of legal frameworks, Maccabee ensures a lasting influence on identified targets. (@ShirionOrg, 2024)
Hey Shirion Collective, how many Palestinians need to die before we can call it a holocaust? 25,000? 100,000? 1 million? Or, is “holocaust” a special term, that can only be applied to the original event, or misappropriated by Zionists to transpose Jewish victimhood onto the powerful Israeli state? Is it “antisemitic” to even ask this question? Let us consider. Certainly, there is a difference of magnitude, at least so far, and maybe that is explained by the methodology. Whereas the Nazis committed their genocide with industrial efficiency and meticulous planning, Israel simply allows Palestinians to rot under the rubble of their bombed-out homes, or to sleep in tents flooded with shit until they starve or die from disease. In this context, perhaps holocaust really is the wrong word to use – it is not strong enough to describe what Israel has committed, a living recreation of the Pasolini film Salò, starring the children of Gaza.
If Hamas cannot blame the occupation for the murders and kidnappings they commit, then Israel cannot blame Hamas for the genocide that they now commit. That simple moral statement of responsibility for your own actions, entirely consistent with the “western liberalism” so proudly espoused by yourselves, Netanyahu, and Israel’s allies, has been distorted into the “antisemitic” thought crime of moral equivalence. It goes like this: you must recognise Israel’s “right to defend itself”, or you are antisemitic. But, if you recognise Palestinians’ right to resist occupation and apartheid, you are antisemitic. Here are some more moral equivalents: is “total victory” Netanyahu’s final solution? Or is it merely a piece of political rhetoric, left to hang unchallenged and unexamined in the distorted framework of “western liberalism”? If it is acceptable for the US to bomb Yemen in order to maintain “freedom of navigation”, is it also acceptable for Palestinians to bomb Israel in order to obtain freedom of travel within the West Bank and Gaza? Or is that an “antisemitic” moral equivalence? These simple, equivalent, statements of the obvious have become contradictions, around which the international rules-based order contorts itself. All these contradictions are in turn enfolded within the greater contradictions of liberalism, Zionism, and Israeli capitalism.
The founders of the liberal reformation, what we now term neoliberalism, after World War two, included prominent Jewish economists such as Freidman and von Mises, so we cannot doubt their genuine intent to prevent Nazism or any form of totalitarianism. However, their ideological rejection of Marx and collectivism, and their strict “methodological individualism” (not the same as Weber’s), meant that they failed to foresee the social consequences of their ideology, consequences that are playing out globally now. The holocaust and the Nakba; the final solution and total victory; the dehumanisation of the Jews and the Palestinians; Zionism, colonialism, and capitalism. In the Marxist dialectic these are all relations, different expressions of the same thing, all inherent within each other.
Liberalism’s rejection of the dialectical form does not resolve these contradictions and relations, it simply blinds itself to their consequences, and accepts them as the natural order of things. However, this acceptance is not and cannot be universal. The peoples subjugated by the colonial powers of Zionism and capitalism are exposed to these contradictions, and liberalism itself tells them that they can, and must, resist – to achieve the liberal ideals of freedom and democracy. These contradictions are manifest. If “there is no such thing as society, there are only individuals”, there is no truth, only individual opinions. Truth is a collective agreement, but liberalism denies the collective. That is how we arrive at “alternative facts”. If there is no moral equivalence, there is no morals. Morality is a social agreement of what is equivalent, but liberalism denies the social, and it denies the existence of moral absolutes. That is how genocide is justified by “self-defence”, and how apartheid “defends western liberal values”.
While Israel lays waste to Palestine, openly displays its contempt for the law, and casually “neutralises” the life of anyone not Jewish enough; as Palestinians are subjected to “voluntary migration”; as artists and writers are punished for “antisemitic” thought crimes; as the Zionist lobby furiously spins and bullshits its narrative, actively lobbying media, politics, and any other sources of power; as your “Pro-Democracy … Surveillance Network [scrapes] digital fingerprints to aggressively track and expose antisemitism”; the truth finally reveals itself through your own actions. The existence of Israel itself is a contradiction. Israel is a Zionist invention, a historical distortion, a disturbance in space and time; a red curry duck in the rectum of the universe, yet to be shat out.
These contradictions cannot be reconciled, and I can no longer ignore the peristalsis. Maybe it’s because accusations of antisemitism have been sprayed so far and wide that the term has lost its meaning, like the boy who cried wolf. Maybe it’s because the racist, genocidal, terrorist ideology of Zionism now disgusts me and everyone I know, including my Jewish friends (will you be listing them as “traitors” next?). Or, maybe it’s just that Netanyahu is a venal, opportunistic arsehole who will slaughter a million Palestinians and pulverise their homes just to save his own job, and the Knesset is stuffed with extremists and ideologues who are even worse. Whichever it is, I no longer give a shit about Israel or it’s “right to exist”. I show my face at every protest, and put my name on every text, so go ahead, put my name on your list. I could not give a rat’s arse. Go ahead and gloat and revel in your petty victories over academics and starry-eyed students; enjoy your control over the political discourse while it lasts.
But know this. By creating a shadowy surveillance network to expose “antisemitic” thought crimes, harassing reporters, academics, and idealistic students, controlling the political discourse, and having Palestine supporters sacked, expelled, or “monitored”, you are creating exactly the kind of powerful “Jewish” conspiracy that motivates the real antisemites who threaten us all – like neo-Nazis. The irony is that liberalism has no irony, and with no truth and no morality leaves us no means of convincing these fascist fucktards that their conspiracy theories are wrong – especially if they are not! You, and the rest of the odious Zionist lobby, are simultaneously feeding neo-Nazi conspiracies while destroying the social movements that oppose them. The abject stupidity of these actions is difficult to comprehend. Liberalism is not the cure for fascism, it is the cause – and you are about to prove it, at great cost to Israel and probably everyone else.
At this point I don’t care if Zion burns in hell, but neo-Nazis are becoming active in my country now, and I care about that a great deal. Consistent with your own twisted logic of blaming Palestinians for the genocide Israel commits, I hold you responsible for your incitement of neo-Nazis and the violence they commit. If you are still wondering whether to categorise me as antisemitic or merely “antisemitic”, I will use ordinary language to concisely restate my position for you: get fucked.